7th Grade Science
Welcome to Hall Middle School and 7th Grade Science! Hope you are as excited for this year as I am. I began teaching in the Fall of 2021. It was something that I have always wanted to be and it has been a dream come true. I am also a football, basketball, and track coach here at Hall Middle School. I graduated from Tarleton State University with a Bachelors of Science General Studies.
Here are the content areas that we will be covering during this school year.
Unit 1 - Cells Structure and Functions
Unit 2 - Human Body Systems and Homeostasis
Unit 3 - Genetics
Unit 4A - Plant Systems and Homeostasis; 4B - Adaptations in Plants and Animals
Unit 5A - Flow of Energy; 5B - Organisms and Their Environment
Unit 6A - Factors Affecting Earth’s Systems; 6B - Characteristics of the Solar System
Each student will be given a textbook that will be expected to be brought to class everyday, they will NOT be kept in the classroom. Students will also need a single subject spiral.
Please make sure students have all the supplies necessary for work in the classroom. This is going to be a GREAT year!