Welcome to Hall Middle School!
My name is Mrs. Courtroul, and I am excited to be your child's Reading teacher this year.
I grew up in Weatherford, attended Hall Middle school and graduated from Weatherford High School. My husband and I just love our little town. We have two amazing daughters, and three dogs! On many Friday nights you may find us at a ROO football game and on the weekends, we enjoy time spent with family, shopping and all the fun things to do in Parker County!
This is my fourth year teaching at Hall Middle School and I'm so excited to be part of the Sixth Grade team that will be working with your child. Our team has planned a year full of fun activities to help your child learn and grow academically and socially. In my class we explore books and reading and will develop writing skills that demonstrate our understanding. Reading, and writing, are valuable tools in your child's learning, and I will encourage your child to read and write daily.
Ember Courtroul
6th Grade Reading
Hall Middle School
817-598-2822, ext. 3963
The best time to reach me directly will be during my conference period,
4th period, from 10:47 a.m. - 11:37 a.m.
To facilitate learning, students will need the following supplies:
Spiral notebook, wide ruled, single subject, 70 - 100 pages max
Pens (Blue/Black ink only)
Notebook paper, wide ruled
Highlighters (at least 3 colors)
Folder with pockets
2 Glue sticks
In addition to these basic supplies, our classroom could always use the following supplies:
Facial Tissues
Hand sanitizer
Paper Towels
Copy Paper
You may also consider helping to purchase an item from our Class wish list from Amazon!